Student Leadership (Y3-Y6)

We all know that 'you don't need a badge to be a leader'.  At St Columba's we foster leadership at all levels and encourage our students to see leadership as the actions we take each day. 

Students in all year levels have the opportunity to represent their peers at Student Representative Council (SRC) where they have a say in things like school policies and exciting future plans such as the school master plan. Students also have the chance to take on different roles in the classroom setting, with responsibilities such as the leadership of morning prayer or office monitor.

In addition, we assigned leadership roles to the older year levels:

Y3 - Energy Savers

They will take on the role of Energy Savers, developing more social consciousness and global awareness. They will support the Y4 Eco Warriors to promote sustainable practices within the school.

Y4 - Eco Warriors

They are the Eco Warriors of our school. They will run this sustainable organisation througout the year. This requires them to apply for jobs, have regular meetings, address environmental needs within the school and engage in hands-on activities related to environmental sustainability. They grow and harvest produce, which they then sell within the school community. This practice not only imparts financial independence, but also nurtures a sense of responsibility and self-sufficiency.

Y5 - Social Justice Leaders

They will take on the role of Social Justice Leaders. They will visit the Aged Care Centre at Sacred Heart Mission, raise awareness of Social Justice within the school and community by promoting Caritas’ Project Compassion, supporting Vinnies Winter Appeal and more.

Y6 - School Leaders

They take on the formal leadership roles of the school including: house, wellbeing, assembly, communication and community engagement captains. The children apply for these roles at the end of Y5 and are voted in. Y6s are also buddies to incoming preps, they organise activities for St Columba’s Kids, assist on the playground and contribute to the newsletter.



What our parents & students say

"St Columba's offers so much more than just an excellent education program. When you enrol your child at St Columba's you join the vibrant supportive community. We couldn't be happier at St Columba's."

Parent of Year 2 and 3 Students