Once you have decided to enrol your child at our school, an Application for Enrolment form needs to be completed and returned to the school administration officer together with a copy of the child's birth certificate, baptism certificate (if applicable) and immunisation forms. Previous school reports (for year levels other than Prep) and any other relevant academic, developmental or medical assessments should be included with the application.

Our Process

- By law, children must turn five by the 30th of April of their first year of school.
- It is not compulsary to be Catholic to join our school.
- Upon receipt of the completed Application for Enrolment form your child will be placed on the waitlist for entry into the year level requested.
- An appointment will be made with the Principal and Deputy Principal for an interview. The purpose of the interview is to identify the child's interests and strengths and any areas where extra challenge or support may be required.
- If successful, a formal offer of enrolment will be sent, together with a Confirmation of Enrolment for completion.
- The Confirmation of Enrolment documentation together with the non-refundable enrolment fee should be returned to the school administration officer. The enrolment fee is due when a place is formally accepted.
- The school will then confirm a place.