Questions new parents often ask us:

How many children attend your school?
We currently have over 160 children in our school. Our maximum capacity is 175.

How big are the classes?
On average we have 20-25 children per class.

What is your teacher student ratio?
On average the ratio is 1:15. This allows us to cater for every child's need. We look at the learning curve of each student and what they need. A child in grade 3 can be at grade 6 level for maths or a prep can read at grade 1 level. By differentiating and working closely together, children will benefit from the way we teach.

Will my child make enough friends in a small school?
By the end of prep, your child will know 160 other children. Because we are a small school they quickly get a feel for who is who. We stimulate that for example by appointing a year 6 to a prep (buddy), a year 5 to a year 1, by forming small learning groups according to children's level (not their age) and by St Columba's Kids. This is a lunch activity we organise every 3 weeks. Children are assigned to a group, guided by a teacher, with the purpose to get to know each other. We see children branching out and making friends through various year levels. 

Do you have straight classes or composite?
St Columba's has traditionally had multi-age (composite) grades. In 2023 we will change the structure to single year level home groups e.g prep, Year 1, Year 2 etc. Year levels will continue to operate as they do with teachers working as a team. Collaboration is one of the central tenets of IB and is an essential component of our culture, pedagogy and organisation of our school. Children will begin each day with their home group teacher. Over the course of the day, the children will work with their home group as well as with different children and teachers across the level cohort.

Do you have to be Catholic to join your school?
No, at our school we welcome everybody. We do incorporate the Catholic values and beliefs. We start the day with prayer and meditation and we teach the students to care for others and to respect and include people from all back grounds.





What our parents & students say

"I have been a part of the St Columba's community now for over 30 years. First as a pupil, then as a staff member at Before and After School Care, and now as a parent. My children are thriving here now just as I did."

Parent of Prep, Year 3 and Year 4 Students