
At St Columba's we have have many sporting activities for our students.
Physical Education
Our students have Physical Education twice a week on our school grounds. One hour is taken by a specialist sports teacher and the second hour is taken by the classroom teacher.
Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)
We run this program in prep, Y1 and 2. It is a movement-based program which helps younger students improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills.
HOLT District
There are approximately nine schools in the HOLT District. Our year 3-6 students are involved in these events throughout the year:
Swimming Carnival
Cross Country
Winter Sports: Netball and Football teams for Year 5/6
Netball and Football Lightning Premierships
Hooptime Basketball for Year 4-6s
Athletics Carnival
Students compete at these events and those who place highly go onto the next level of competition.
Throughout the year we engage coaches from a range of sports such as soccer, football, hockey or gymnastics to work with our students.
Once a year we have sports day with all our students. Each student is part of a House Team either Ormond (Red), Phillip (Blue) or Elster (Yellow) and they complete in different events to earn points for their team.