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Our Climate Change Choir stars shine for the camera

Posted on 10 June 2019
Our Climate Change Choir stars shine for the camera
Three of our Climate Change Choir stars - Finn, Charli and Yoyo - put on a spectacular show on Thursday for the Port Phillip Leader Newspaper.

Look out for them in this week's Leader!

We've also had some exciting media interest following our announcement as School of the Year finalist in the 2019 ResourceSmart School Awards!

Ten of our Climate Change Choir stars will be performing at the 2019 ResourceSmart School Awards at the MCG on Thursday. We will also be taking part in a sustainability showcase to share our work with other schools. We're incredibly excited about taking part in the day and can't wait to hear all about the awesome green work all of the finalists are doing. 
Tags:Green Team

What our parents & students say

"St Columba's is known as the little school with the big heart and you notice that when you first arrive. Every teacher and every student knows your child by name. They offer bespoke learning experiences for children to enjoy while at school." 

Parent of Year 4 Student