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2017 Water Warriors

Posted on 16 October 2017
On Friday 15 September some of our Year Fours went to the St Kilda Town Hall to participate in the Sustainable School's Festival Kids Teaching Kids workshops.

At these awards, St Columba's was awarded the 2017 Water Warrior of the Year award, in recognition of all of the teaching and learning we have done around water and the conservation of our waterways, and as a congratulation for obtaining two major water grants last year:
  • Port Phillip Bay Fund Community Grant we are designing a program/initiative called ""Operation STEAM Clean the Bay"", and have been given $76,765 in funding from the Port Phillip Bay Fund over three years
  • Coastcare Victoria Community Grant 2017 - we obtained a grant of $3,660 with a focus for St Columba's caring for our Coast.


Tags:Green Team

What our parents & students say

"St Columba's is known as the little school with the big heart and you notice that when you first arrive. Every teacher and every student knows your child by name. They offer bespoke learning experiences for children to enjoy while at school." 

Parent of Year 4 Student